Dec 29, 2023Liked by Victoria McGinley

Oh, my word for 2023 is most certainly "mess". But I think of it like a painter's palette. You start with throwing primary colors and blending, adding some black and white here and there, and generally think "wow this is garbage" until eventually it just sort of.. blends itself out, you know? Into something lovely, though perhaps slightly different than your original intent :) Happy New Year!

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I love mess! :)

Mess requires curiosity and close observation. At its surface, to the untrained eye, sure—it's mess. But if you're looking through the right lens, in mess you see art. A life being lived.

Here's to new messes in 2024. Happy New Year!

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I wrote this thread well before the holiday and wasn't sure what my 2023 word was. So with the year officially behind us, I thought I'd share: pruning.

Pruned a lot. Did a lot of tending, paring back, shaping. Sometimes the cuts hurt. But green shoots there are aplenty.

Happy New Year!

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