I loved reading this and can relate! I have found myself doing something similar lately -- either buying things I *wanted* back when I was in highschool, but my parents refused to spend the money on, or to replace items long gone...I am thinking of the Birkenstocks I'm wearing at this very moment and a pair of Dr. Martens like the ones I used to wear with an oversized white button down, worn-in jeans, and likely a choker necklace of some sort. It doesn't just feel nostalgic to have those *things* back again, but like something deeper and long-lost has been found again. I read a quote recently that said, "'Finding' yourself is actually 'returning' to yourself." Now in my early 40s, I like that! (Full quote: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5gRf3vrGR9/?hl=en)

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"It doesn't just feel nostalgic to have those *things* back again, but like something deeper and long-lost has been found again." Yes and yes! I love the quote you shared, too. The more years go by, the more I FEEL this.

Sort of related, but a number of years ago, I also bought a pair of Birks, which I never had in middle or high school. And I hated the way they looked on me! So there was some odd satisfaction in getting the thing I thought I wanted and realizing that–in my specific case, given how my feet looked in them—I hadn't missed out!

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Oh wow, I get that! Full disclosure, the ‘Docs’ from high school were off-brand and I always wished I had the real thing. Fast forward to last year when and I tried a pair on and they are SO heavy, haha. So now I have a similar but more comfortable pair now…by choice this time! There is a comfort in being OK with that at this point in life ;)

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Aghh! have recently been thinking about a white BR skirt I donated that feels like it's the vibe for spring 2024

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To the eBay you go! :)

(By chance, is it one of those tiered white "peasant" skirts that was popular in the early 2000s??)

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Loved this, and was just working on a piece about my own “ones that got away”—I unintentionally re-bought a skirt I’d owned a decade earlier and given away … funny the things we continue to be drawn to!

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I wore this exact skirt (in grey) on my first date with my now husband and it sits in a memory pile in my closet! So relate to this. I'm dreaming of a patchwork Brooks Brothers skirt I donated years ago!

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FWIW, I found several grey ones during my search—should you ever be in need. I'm also curious to know more about the memory pile...

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